Welcome to

The Navigators Nigeria

You Matter To God. You Matter to Us

Since 1933, Navigators have helped people in over 100 countries bring hope and purpose to others through something we call Life-to-Life® discipleship. It’s not a program or curriculum, it’s more of a commitment to help our friends know Jesus, starting from wherever they are in life.

About Us

The Navigators is a ministry that shares the gospel of Jesus and helps people grow in their relationship with Him through Life-to-Life® discipleship, creating spiritual generations of believers. Since its founding in 1933, The Navigators has upheld the mission “to know Christ, make Him known, and help others do the same.

Our Ministries

There are different expressions of ministry as we pursue our Calling, Core Values and Vision into every location and people groups. We refer to these expressions as entities and support functions. Each entity or support function has a workforce of ordinary men and women who are Gift Income Staff (GIS) or Conventional Income Staff (CIS). CIS are fulltime and depend on financial support from other individuals or groups to fund life and ministry. CIS are actively involved in the ministry but are funded through their jobs or businesses, and use the vocation as a platform for Ministry.

We work with pastors and church leaders in developing special tools to help their local congregations become dynamic discipling church communities. The goal is to see many people growing as disciples of Christ and labouring for him in Churches that will in turn have a positive effect in the communities, to the glory of God.

Reaching out to people of other faiths through life-on-life and discipling them within their own geo-cultural context is the goal of this ministry. We trust God to see a movement of the Gospel among the Focus people.

The family is the basic unit of developing a nation. Our aim is to have families intentionally advancing the Gospel of Jesus and His Kingdom in the power of the Holy Spirit, using their homes as platforms to disciple all tribal/cultural nationalities around them and beyond.

Our focus in the Student and Youth Ministry is to raise a workforce of labourers for the Harvest field from our Campuses as we run Discipleship engagements in our University Campus, High Schools, Business/workplaces, churches, Rural places, among the unchurched, at Youth camps, and wherever and everywhere else we find Students and Youths. Student Conferences, Youth Camps, and Student/Youth Programs are organised across our Student and Youth ministries in Nigeria.

Ladies reaching and discipling ladies…women reaching and discipling women. Through this ministry which is specifically targeted to the ladies, we trust God to see a large movement of discipled ladies, wholly surrendered to the Lordship of Christ, led by the Holy Spirit and passionately advancing the Gospel of Jesus and His Kingdom among relational networks and nations.

Every year graduates from the campus ministry enter society with the primary focus of seeking employment to develop their careers. Marketplace ministry seek to provide support system for continuous Spiritual and career Growth as they make this important transition and have impacting ministry in the workplace. The Mission to reach the whole world for Jesus will be achieved much faster when every individual in the marketplace becomes a Workplace Missionary.

This is holistic Mentoring Ministry that equips the communities to be transformed by the power of the Gospel. A team of mentors identifies Christian leaders or workers who are trained to facilitate the expected transformation of the communities, seeing that discipleship is really developing the people in their locality.

The Navigators Nigeria feel a deep sense of responsibility to reach the countries that are our neighbours as well as the rest of Africa and beyond. Over the last twenty years, we have sent missionaries to Uganda, Kenya, Niger, Cote D’Ivoire, Burkina Faso, South Africa, Zambia, Angola, Cameroon, Chad, etc. We seek the highest level of Missionary sending with its abundant fruitfulness within and outside Nigeria that we have never seen before.

This is made up of a team of men and women at the National and Zonal Offices, who are called to serve the Field Staff and other stakeholders in our ministry in different ways, through providing effective and efficient service functions to aid the Gospel Advancement.

The Navigators as a Ministry operate on funding support from individuals and organisations. Each staff is responsible for raising his/her ministry budget every year. And quite often, many Gospel workers are being and have been frustrated by lack of funding for the calling they received from God. The Navigators MPD Team seek to bring hope and success to the advance of the Gospel by helping make Biblical Fundraising a part of the DNA of every Navigators Nigeria Staff. Hence, ensuring that Staff and Ministry are fully funded to do all that the Lord has called them to do.

As Ministry grow and people work together in teams and community, growth pains are often experienced due to relational conflicts between individuals and teams in the Mission field. The NavCare exist to enable and enhance the experience of love and grace in Navigators Ministries in Nigeria through caring for one another and relational/personal wholeness, so that the Gospel advances with joy. They pursue relational healing, inner healing, fostering a Biblical view of rest, understanding our individual design and desires, and restoring staff after moral failure if they are repentant, etc.

The Navigators help awaken and nurture the vision to reach the world for Christ…one person at a time. Our ultimate goal is to equip/train mature disciples and thus multiply our influence. “What you have heard from me…entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also” (2 Tim. 2:2 As described in the Verse, 4 generations Paul… Timothy… Faithful men… others also…we are committed to seeing this happen.

Partner with us to share the Good News of Jesus

Your gift will equip Navigators to share the transforming power of the gospel and disciple new believers around the world—on college campuses and military bases, at summer camps, and wherever people don’t know Christ.

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